Shamanic Services With Wolfpack Healing

The art of shamanic healing is a practice that has been used since the dawn of time for accessing the depths of the subconscious energy.

Learning About The Subconcious Self


The art of shamanic healing is a practice that has been used since the dawn of time for accessing the depths of the subconscious energy. The subconscious can be a gateway to past/current traumas and blocks. Outside of this, your past lives, karma, and ancestral lineage can contribute to your blocks and core issues.  This can also take a toll on you mentally, physically, and emotionally.  Sometimes also being very confusing because the cycles don’t seem to have an answer or an end. You will be met with new approaches of breaking free and divine energetic healing through the guidance and assistance of a shamanic healer and his spiritual team.  Upon arrival to your treatment, Travis will create a healing plan that is guided directly from source. This plan can range anywhere from very acute needs that have brought you in, all the way to shadow work tracking / mapping. Together we will discover all of the specific contributing factors that are creating your situations and challenges, helping to bring an end to lifelong patterns and repeating experiences that you’ve been having. The end goal is for all of Travis’ clients to leave with the tools and understanding of how to strengthen your intention, coping, and empower you as an individual. Clients process after and find inner strength, connection to source, and peace.

Shamanic Services

Below are some sessions that are commonly book with Travis, although, being that our situations are so unique, he is sometimes directed by source to create a specific healing session that will lead you to your next healing steps.  Some blocks can be so deep that it may take a few appointments to full acclimate to healing and energy so it is highly recommended to understand the healing process and importance of following your personal plan so you get the best results.  If you have recently had an appointment and have follow up questions or need divine guidance please send an email through the contact page to book a time with him.  Travis offers 15- and 30-minute phone appointments to help guide you in between healing sessions.  


Shamanic “Pack” Healing


A shamanic pack healing can include one or several types of healings listed below within your session that is chosen by your spirit team.  These sessions are strategically designed to create access points and segways to deeper healing, and a way of living.  All pack healings are compiled by your spirit guides in a way that is the most beneficial to your overall well being and success on your path. No two sessions are alike! Your support and integration is the most important part of coming into alignment, if you feel as though you need more support, see our coaching program or book a 15 or 30 minute follow up session. 

Shamanic “Pack” Healing


A shamanic pack healing can include one or several types of healing listed below within your session that is chosen by your spirit team.  This is based on what you are ready to release, what is in your best and highest good, and what you can emotionally handle.  

Personal Energy Clearing / Healing In-person or Remote

Different experiences whether it is mental, physical, emotional, karmic, or spiritual all affect your energy.  Extreme situations can shift the chakra into an overactive or underactive energetic state.  Depending on which chakra this happens to there will be specific symptoms or reactions.  Making sure that the chakra system is in a balanced state is ideal for overall soul health.  

When people are under a lot of stress, dealing with a past/present trauma, or exposed to negative environments on a regular basis your energy can feel drained and lead to auric tears.  When this happens, your natural energetic defenses are down.  You are left taking on the energy of your surroundings whether it’s people, places, or things.  

Etheric cords are a basic foundation to human connection.They have many functions and are not always a bad thing (contrary to belief). We use these cords to work as a community, support one another, assist one another, and even connect to things in our environment. Healthy etheric cords attach themselves or interact with you and your auric layer of energy and support mutual energetic exchanges. These cords also have the ability to connect into our energy system or individual chakras, and when this happens they can become influential or even invasive/draining. 

 When cords connect to our chakras they can drain and/or displace energy from one thing to another. Cords can be created if you are overly concerned for someone’s health or safety, or even if you become extremely dependent on someone to meet your basic needs. When this happens you could connect and share more fear or anxiety with that person, and vice versa. 

Another way you may notice them is if it is hard to get these people out of your head, you find yourself reliving your times together with someone (out of the blue), or feel emotions that are not yours. 

Please understand these are case by case experiences and just because you are in need of help or having emotions, this doesn’t mean you’re connecting unhealthy cords. It is healthy and natural to  care or have concern for someone that you’re close with. That’s why working with someone who has this understanding can be beneficial and also help you to discover the bigger pattern or trauma if you are connecting them in the first place.

Traumas have the opportunity to create impressions in our energy like a footprint in the sand, when this happens they can stay with us living deep in the subconscious places of our mind, body, and spirit.  These are called imprints.  After a trauma there may be various smells, sounds, people, places, or things that can trigger these imprints. When these are brought forward it can almost feel as though you are reliving the moment or you may experience subtle body sensations that could create discomfort. This is a good thing as these moments or imprints are being brought to the surface to clear or release. Imprints will release over time on their own but can also be removed by a practitioner after a healing session. 

It can be normal to have imprints surface after a healing session as well. Oftentimes when large clearings or shifts occur, these things need to surface and clear themselves out for us to come into alignment for long term shifts to occur. These imprints are not meant to be permanent,  just as a footprint in the sand. Having them removed can help you heal whole and completely. If you have recently had a healing treatment with Wolfpack Healing, imprint removals are complementary and are here to support your growth and development.

Based on our life experiences we have “programs” within our energy.  These programs surface as patterns of behavior or belief systems.  After an energy healing it can be very helpful to reprogram the energy so the subconscious mind can process and react in alignment of your new, higher vibration.  This helps break free of some of the negative patterns and beliefs that have been difficult to overcome in the past.  

A soul retrieval is the act of retrieving and regaining a part of who you are back from any trauma that you may have experienced in your life.  Trauma has the ability to change who we are, and unfortunately, we aren’t always able to give ourselves the time and healing that we need. By doing a soul retrieval, you move forward from that trauma and regain those parts to empower yourself in ways that may have been missing for years.

Essence is all of  your soul’s  power.  The power that you possess to do and achieve the things you are here to do. There are moments in life as well as past lives, where you may be suppressed from reaching a goal, or you may even give your power away to people, places, or situations.  This is different from a soul loss or soul retrieval.  Although it is on a much smaller scale than losing a part of your soul. Over time losing essence can affect you, your strength and even energy levels to keep going. Retrieving, healing, clearing, or bringing the essence back in is very good for overall energetic health.

An attachment in your energy is anything in your energetic field that does not belong to you.  Whether it is someone else’s feelings, obsessive negative self-thoughts, a suffering soul, or an entity it can feel invasive or even uncomfortable. 

There are many different types of attachments with varying severity.  Some may leave you just feeling tired and drained, while others may have the strength and power for you to physically feel their presence, connected to you, or in your space. These experiences or attachments can incite actions or reactions that are not characteristic to you, or that can feel out of control. It’s important to work with a professional to remove these to be sure that they are completely gone, and that the healing is completely brought in.

It is very healthy to have your energy all to yourself.  Outside of emotional and physical reactions, attachments can tear your aura which can feel even more overwhelming.  The removal and healing process can leave you feeling yourself and whole again.  

Ancestral cords connect us to our maternal and paternal ancestors. They also can be established by those who we spend extended amounts of time with at a very young age.   Shifting into extended family members such as aunts, uncles, siblings and even step parents to name a few.  These cords can make up a portion of our subconscious programming and train us in ways that we act or react to situations.  These cords can also be a part of what attracts challenging situations into our lives.  The universe is here to help us and oftentimes this help can come in the form of reminding us we have programs that need to be changed or removed.  Acting as a magnet to imbalanced expressions of the theme or topic.  Some examples of cords that should be removed are those that carry addiction or abuse (both to and from us).  This healing stops the line of trauma from affecting yourself, and the people you care about the most.

Our ancestral lineage can be responsible for many aspects or traits that can be carried or shared by an entire family.  Most lineages are jammed packed with quality traits, and traditional wisdom and knowledge. However they can also carry a lot of trauma, and even pain. Our lineage stretches through the generations holding all the energetic information, imprints, and patterns of our ancestors. Some of these traits can even be passed down to us from beyond the 7 generations that came before us.  Healing our lineage not only can bring healing to our ancestors, but also abundance and freedom to ourselves. When you experience this healing, your children, their children and all those yet to come will also benefit.

Clearing a karmic cord can help restore your flow of energy.  You may have a past life connection with a person or even a current experience in which there is a disruption of the balance of energy.  This can happen through negative experiences.  If you cross paths in this life and there is unfinished business you can feel quite a strong connection to this person.  How do you shift a karmic cord?  You have to be ready to let go.  You also have to be open to forgiveness, compassion, and showing up with love.  This act raises that vibration back to a balanced state.  As we most often hear, forgiveness is for you. Once this is done the cord can be cleared.

A past life regression goes deep into your cellular memories, and into the root of some of your deepest traumas and patterns. These issues can cause fears, phobias, challenges within relationships, even chronic Dis-Ease. During this session Travis will tap into these memories to let go of, resolve, and heal the life completely. Our past lives can hold not only trauma, but lessons and insight to assist you in living your best life.  Past life regressions can be done by Travis or a 1 on 1 journey session.  

Not all past lives need to be viewed. The primary function of viewing past lives is to learn a specific lesson that ultimately led to a negative effect in the past life incarnation. If you have put the work in, and already learned the lesson associated with a given past life, only the energy will remain. The energy of these lives will still be affecting you and your energy, but do not require a viewing.

Our words are very powerful tools that create our intentions and reality.  These words not only affect us but other people.  The intent of these words can haunt us and it can very much feel as though we are stuck with no way out.  Releasing this within the energetic field can feel like the weight of the world being taken off of you.  

During a journey session we will discuss the power of intent, as well as working together to practice and experience the basics of journeying. When ready, you will then access and tap into your own divine resources of helpers to receive the direction, guidance, and healing that you need.  Travis journeys with you, channeling and guiding you to go deeper into your subconscious mind.  This session shifts you into a meditative state that brings in clear universal knowledge and profound healing.  You will be given guidance and assistance to fully be supported and receive what is meant for you.

There are many reasons people may need a chakra activation.  Whether it is for balancing, accessing gifts, tapping into a deeper connection with source, connecting to Mother Earth.  Travis has the ability of activating these chakras and guiding you on how to use the chakras to benefit your goals.

Connect to your spirit, achieve your best Self, and re-align your energy.  During your healing, there are times you or Travis will receive messages, lessons, knowledge, and understanding. The goal is to dive deep within to discover, uncover, and dismember the root causes of your trauma’s, blocks and repeating challenges in life. Travel to the depths of your soul, connect to your spirit guides and helpers to place you back on a path of abundance in love, health, and prosperity.

Shamanic Pack Tracking


When you decide to work with Travis of wolfpack healing, there may be larger and more focused goals that rise to the surface.  With Travis’ Shadow work tracking/mapping skills you may find that there are certain larger themes that present themselves to you in all areas of your life. Some of those examples could be ; Self sabotaging behaviors, Trust issues, feelings of or attracting abandonment, knowing your own worth, and the list goes on and on.  These types of themes oftentimes require multiple sessions to track and bring them to completion for you.  Signing up for the “Pack Tracking” package shows your commitment to yourself but also gives you the support of the pack while you are shifting through these difficult themes you’ve been experiencing most of your life. Pack tracking includes 4 appointments with Travis as well as two 15-minute phone support check-ins in addition to imprint clearings. It is very important when you track with the pack to allow Travis to guide you on your booking frequency (2 weeks is standard but may change based on the individual)

Shamanic Pack Tracking

We'll Check In With Your Guides To See What Package Will Be Best For You


Sometimes you will find yourself wanting to work on a life theme or pattern.  Different examples may be working on trust issues, abandonment, abundance, self-worth, the list goes on.  This oftentimes needs several appointments to clear out the depth of the issue.  Signing up for pack tracking shows your commitment to yourself but also gives you the support of the pack while you are shifting through these difficult themes that you have been faced with your whole life.  Pack tracking includes 4 appointments with Travis as well as two 15 minute phone support check-ins or imprint clearing.  It is very important when you track with the pack to allow Travis to guide you on your booking.  


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