Discover Coaching With Travis

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Ready For Coaching With Travis?

Now that you’re here let’s start by welcoming you into our sacred container. All things shared in this form are confidential and will only be used in our time together.

Below is a list of questions to help us get to know you and your intentions for support. This will help us not only craft your one-of-a-kind coaching plan, but also will help us support you in your intentions.

Coaching FAQS

Not all people require dedicated 1 on 1 coaching. Each person’s goals and needs are unique, and so is that path to get there. Our coaching programs are for those truly committed to self-improvement and creating big shifts, while being fully supported and held accountable along the way. Many things can be worked on through our individual Shamanic “Pack” and “Tracking” Services”. The real question is are you truly committed to yourself, and ready to find out how your life can change?

Let's Work Together