In person Ceremonies With Wolfpack Healing

A ceremony can help us step through the door of change with confidence and ease, marking the passing of time through the many phases in our lives.


Ceremonies create memories that last a lifetime.  Having Travis take a customized and concentrated approach along with his connection to spirit can bring to life your vision. Gathering and coming together in ceremony is such a powerful tool that can be used for any occasion.   Through focused intention we are able to tap into the universal forces and helpers that we call upon through our lives and that live around us on this earthly experience.  There are no rules when it comes to a ceremony, other than to show up for yourself with honor and respect.  

Examples of frequently requested ceremonies include but aren’t limited to

Honoring a new life ceremony is a celebration of new opportunities, life, family, relatives, environment, and the connection established between this new soul and the planet.  Welcome the baby into the world by calling in the directions, the helpers, and allowing the family to speak to the baby in ceremony with intention.  Healing is brought in along with blessings as we notify and make offerings to the arrival of this new life.  

There comes a time in life when we must bid farewell to a loved one.  The process of finding closure can look differently for everyone.  An honoring of life ceremony is a great alternative approach to honoring a loved one and finding closure.  Through ceremony we can find new approaches through song, celebrating cherished memories, releasing unfinished business, and other very specific intentions that are heartfelt for your individual needs. Through communication with the family this spirit filled ceremony will offer the individual respect and honor each person deserves.

A wedding is a time of gathering to bare witness to the honoring of a special kind of love.  This love is very personal and individual yet shared within all things.  When you find that special somebody, you want to give them the world and this day is an opportunity to give them just that.  By calling in all of the known and unknown love to fill your hearts on this day and each day forward.  

Purchase a ceremony from Wolfpack Healing

Travis has created ceremonies for purchase to experience on your own time.  Travis has been sharing these ceremonies over many lifetimes for people to connect with the universal knowledge and energies around them.  These guided experiences are that of the old ways.  They are simple, powerful, direct, and transformative.


New Moon Ceremony 

The new moon is a time of new beginnings.  At this time, the moon is in a dark phase, a phase of darkness, but is still whole. The darkness brings forth appreciation for the light. The darkness allows for the light to grow, and that light will grow your manifestations. The manifestations that you plant, the things you call in or your seeds will grow with the light.  As we plant our seeds, we rise through the full moon.  Plant your seeds and watch them grow.  This ceremony walks you through your connection to the moon.  As you connect you can share what your intentions are as well as receive special gifts from the moon herself.  It is always best to do your ceremony as close to the day and time as possible but this ceremony can be done two days before to two days post the new moon.  But If you would like to set up a 30 minute follow up with Travis for clarification on what you received please click here (link to 30 min follow up session) 

Insert New Moon days and times here 2022

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Full Moon Ceremony

The full moon is a time of shedding our leaves.  It is a time of releasing that which no longer serves us.  At this time the moon is fully illuminated, a phase of lightness.  This sheds light on what is needing to be released within us.  The moon allows us to release whatever we are looking to leave behind and can be a very powerful healing moment.  This ceremony walks you through your connection to the moon.  If you need support from the moon she will help you see what needs to be released within you.  It is always best to do your ceremony as close to the day and time as possible but this ceremony can be done two days before to two days post the full moon.  If you need clarification from your guided ceremony you can book a 30 minute follow up appointment with Travis here.

Insert Full Moon days and times here for 2022

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Honoring planets entering retrograde offers us a new way of connecting to the change in energy that is shared with us.  Many times retrogrades are associated with negativity.   During this time, planets offer potent energy to help us shift and grow into the healed version that we are meant to be.  It is really important to understand what is actually happening during a retrograde.  When planets are spinning direct they are collecting and gathering all of the lessons that we need to learn as individuals around their planetary job.  Once these planets retrograde they start to return the energy of those lessons that we are meant to learn.  

Each planet carries a different theme/job whether it is communication, love, karma etc.  How you experience the retrograde will be different for each person.  Every planet that goes into retrograde is essentially rooting for you to overcome your personal challenges/lessons to share a very special blessing for each individual.  In order to receive the blessing you need to learn the lessons.  All retrograde ceremonies should be done two days before to two days post the start of the retrograde.

During this ceremony you will be guided on how to connect to the planet personally, receive the information you need for your lessons, as well as what blessings will be given.  If you would like to set up a 30 minute follow up with Travis for clarification on what you received please click here (link to 30 min follow up session)

Venus Retrograde Ceremony

Planet of Love and Relationships


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