Our Frequently Asked Questions

Look below to see the answers to various service-related questions. 

Private Healing Session FAQS

Anyone who is open to receiving healing and guidance. These sessions are specifically tailored to the individual and no matter what you are experiencing or would like to work on.  All things are energy and the things that we carry, or have yet to process can create our reality. If you are experiencing anxieties, depression, frustrating patterns, looking to step into using new gifts or just feel off, one of these sessions can help you.

Travis offers a variety of different healings based on your individual needs. Some specific feelings or patterns may require a strategy to assist us in creating a long-lasting shift that you deserve.  The criteria that he uses follows 3 core principles. 

  1. Is what we are working with “is ready to go”?
  2. Is removing this now in the clients “Highest and best good”?
  3. Is this something the client “Can energetically handle and integrate”?

Treatments can range from a self-love/worth journey,  past life healings or even all the way to family curse removals and everything in between.

Yes.  Oftentimes leading up to a session we can have things surface in the form of resistance or obstacles.  If this surfaces for you the day of a session it’s important to continue to move through the resistance. Oftentimes this resistance is a last ditch effort for these things to continue to live with you.  Now is where your work comes in.  Stay the course, it is time to get to the other side!

Yes it can Be.  Not everyone will experience this but it can happen.  If this happens it’s important to reach out to Travis as there may be layers of imprints making their way to the surface.  This can be cleared out in minutes to help assist you in the integration of your session.  However these imprints will typically clear themselves out within 10 – 14 days after any large energy session.  Once they do, you should come into complete alignment with the work done and feel much better.

Upon arrival or the beginning of your session.  Travis will consult and discuss with you a series of questions to assist in uncovering what has brought you here or that needs to be addressed in your session.  From there, with the help of Travis’ spirit team of helpers, they will channel a treatment plan in alignment for you. Travis will then do the work needed.  Once finished. He will process your treatment and the details of what came up with you, answering any questions you may have. 

In terms of healing work done, and impact, there is virtually no difference. With that said our in-person sessions do offer the opportunity to turn your phone off, relax, shut out the world and receive.  Knowing this, I always encourage my remote clients to welcome the same presence into their lives and time of our session.

No.  The focus of an average session is to bring things to the surface only for the intent of releasing, healing, and clearing them.  When processing is needed or of value it is woven into our sessions in forms of support and opportunities for growth.  However every individual person, and experience is unique.  If processing and integration is needed for bigger work to transpire you will be supported.

Simply put.  Healing is a lifelong journey, but please remember… you are not broken… you are growing, learning, and unlearning years/lifetimes of patterns, traumas and traits.  These things take time. Be kind… Be patient.

Home Clearing/Blessing FAQS

As someone who has spent years in communication with a variety of different spirits, ranging from nice, kind, playful children who just want to play all the way to murderers and negative enteties that wish to consume your lifeforce…  One thing is for certain: even friendly ghosts deserve peace. They deserve to know a space of unconditional love, free of the burdens or unfinished business that is here. My goal is to counsel, and support all suffering spirits (Earthbound spirits / Ghosts)  so they may continue on their soul’s purpose and mission in a kind and gentle way.

Do you feel as though your home is haunted, like you’re not alone, being watched or you experience the feeling of being unsettled in specific areas of your home even when nothing is going on around you? Do your children wake up in the middle of the night, or speak of a presence; people or things that “aren’t there”? Maybe your energy or motivation shifts the moment you get home without explanation? When you go downstairs your hair stands on end or you just can’t wait to finish the laundry so you can run back upstairs… All of these things are your body’s natural gifts trying to let you know that there is something that isn’t quite right, or may need some attention. If you experience any of these things, your home may need a clearing. We are here to help.


Energetic and spiritual house clearings are similar to the way you housekeep your home.  If you practice regular cleaning and spiritual hygiene, it is likely that you will not need regular home clearings.  More regular clearings may be needed for those who are carriage givers, empaths,  spiritual practitioners, first responders, trauma response personnel, those in the recovery community or really any person that is exposed to consistent lower vibration or “heavy” situations.  For anyone looking for extra peace of mind and regular clearings, Wolf Pack Healing offers a monthly house clearing package.

Each house clearing goes through a system of checks and clearings.  Ranging from residual imprints that are created through arguments in the home, all the way to spirits, contrary spirits, and spirit possessions.

After we clear, balance and fill the home and land with healing energy, we then will check everyone in the home for any spirit attachments (suffering beings, entities or any contrary spirits) to ensure the home and people in the home are clear.  We then bring in balanced healing energy to those people and extended pet families as well.

In order to receive a house clearing, we ask that you provide 2 pictures of each room (including closets in your pictures), as well as adding basements and all buildings/ structures that are on the property.

Home clearings are done remotely because I am able to connect deeper and clearer to your space and what is going on from my treatment room than I can standing in the density of the home I am clearing.

Shamanic Journeywork FAQs

No! Everyone has the ability to journey.  Every person has access to spiritual gifts or senses that can be utilized in “Non-Ordinary Reality”.  

No, Most people are able to journey, but some may find themselves having a harder time letting go, or opening themselves in the proper ways.  Oftentimes this is due to blockages preventing certain energy flow.  If this is the case, the greatest advice I have for you, is to continue on your healing journey. 

Yes! Our spirit guides and helpers are always with us and supporting us even when we are not aware of them.  Journeying and creating relationships with them can support our development and increase our awareness of how divinely supported we really are by them

Yes! Everyone has at least 1-2 spirit guides or power animals that accompany them as long as they are here in this earthly realm. During more challenging, or growth oriented times in life it is likely that you may have up to 5 (or more)  working with you guiding and assisting you.

Yes! We all have 1 or 2 spirit guides or power animals that accompany us. These are our primary guides, and as we navigate life

Yes. The experience in having an open mind, and welcoming in a new experience that you may not have had before =)

Yes! Oftentimes there will be benefit in you having an experience, vs being told about an experience.  These can include (but not limited to), past life journeys, karmic cord clearing, imprint removals, soul retrievals, self-love/self-worth, and many more….

No! The core foundation of this work is to use it as a support to your already existing belief system. Allowing the natural progression of finding what best serves you to support your growth and development on this journey we call life. 

Firewalking FAQ’s

No, you will not be walking on open flames, but we do walk on the hot coals that those flames create. At each Firewalk we burn a blend of different style hard and soft wood logs. As those pieces of wood burn down they create the coals we walk on.

Yes, people have been burned.  There are many factors that come into play when you work with the powerful element of Fire. Firewalking instructors are trained and take all precautions to provide a safe and transformational experience. The reality is, our fires can burn upwards to 1,500 degrees, and that is REAL. With that being said, it is not a common occurrence at all. Most firewalkers experience a safe and extremely transformational experience. Travis’ top priority for every firewalk is that it is a safe, supportive, and transformational environment for everyone.

NO!  Absolutely not! Nobody will ever be forced to do anything that isn’t in complete alignment with their internal truth.  During our time together around the fire a relationship will be formed between you and the fire, and it is that relationship that will assist you in that decision.  It is however required to show up with the intention of firewalking.

Yes! I have had many people firewalk during pregnancy, and they have not regretted it. Said it was quite possibly the greatest thing they have ever experienced.  With that being said, please be sure to speak with your healthcare professional about your specific situation before deciding if this is right for you.  

Yes, children and teens can firewalk. I have had children as young as 9 years old walk across coals.  It is not permitted for anyone younger than 9 years old to walk at a firewalk, because oftentimes, children are not able to fully grasp the idea of risk.  It’s important that Travis connects with the parents and any child or young adult considering a firewalk.  This is to ensure the safety and transparency of communication for all involved.

Each Firewalk experience is different and created in a unique way for every group and event.  The Firewalk ceremony typically has many layers to it with the focus of peeling back the different layers that exist around your intentions (Releasing, Empowerment, Initiations, Celebrations/ Gatherings, Changing life patterns, etc…). Bringing you to a place where you are able to experience the most profound and transformational experience around the fire. 

Participation in a firewalk is always a personal choice.  Each firewalk generally will have a theme and a unique aspect to it that supports all who say yes! Firewalking can help you discover your untapped strength and power to overcome anything that life throws your way… Because if you can walk through fire, you can overcome leaving that toxic job that no longer serves you (for example). 

Many of the firewalks that Travis Preston, of Wolfpack Healing hosts are focused around transformation and experiencing a level of depth, and respect. That being said, there are certain events that can be created to “celebrate” the fire, and energy that it possesses. Be sure to view the theme or focus of the firewalk to make sure your intentions are aligned. If  you have any questions if this is the right event for you, please reach out!

Certified Sundoor Firewalk Instructor FAQ’s

Simply Put…..Life-changing, transformational healing, in all aspects of your life.  When you commit to this training, It is a commitment to yourself and the fire..  Through this commitment, we will shift through limiting beliefs, old patterns and programs holding you back from your fullest expression. Inviting you to step fully into presence, and your power, unlocking things you never imagined to be possible.

This certification allows you to have an international and national income opportunity to create a strong, meaningful impact where it’s needed. Leading and empowering people to create change and meaningful strides on their journey.

Becoming a Sundoor Firewalk instructor can add a unique dynamic that can be applied to any intention or existing business to help clients break through any walls or barriers they may be facing in their lives. It also provides an opportunity for people to step into their fullest potential, blaze a trail, and set their soul on fire!

Yes, Firewalking can be a highly profitable stand-alone business. It’s not uncommon to charge anywhere from $50-$150+ per person, per FireWalk event. Firewalks can be created and hosted as 1 on 1 transformational experiences, up to larger, 100+ participant firewalks. 

The training is a 1 time commitment that lasts 6-7 days.  Each day will consist of very full days packed with; reflection, information, and of course firewalking. 

Yes, lunches and dinners are provided. If you like to snack, you are encouraged to bring your own. No, lodging is not included or provided at our home training facility.

Yes, there will be ongoing and future programs to come.  Locations of future Firewalk training may be changing as time goes on,  so be sure to stay tuned, and seize the moment if you feel the call.  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by, YOU DESERVE THIS!

Put simply, the application is just as much for you as it is for me.  The application allows for us to have an open dialog to ensure that this is a good fit for you. I love sharing this work and ensuring the success of my students is a top priority.

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